Winter Arrives at Snowstorm
Classics Bitter cold and icy
roads greeted runners at the first Snowstorm Classic of 1999. With the temperature
barely above 0 degrees, 62 hardy souls amazed and bewildered their family and friends by
scampering 10,000 meters around and through Springfield’s Forest Park. A trio
of newcomers broke free at the start, and despite a wrong turn at one point, chased each
other to the finish line with Kevin Somers notching his first Snowstorm
Classic victory in 36:56 followed in short order by Chris Gould (37:04)
and Rodney Furr (37:13). Kristine Ross ran an impressive
42:41 under the difficult conditions to capture women’s honors with a ferocious kick
by Kathy Colwell earning second in 44:24 and Heather Wenninger
taking third in 45:59. The wintry weather prevented any age records.