Snowstorm Classic #3 - 10K
December 18, 2004

 Peter Maksimow and Kelly Heroux Repeat on 10K Course
Zofia Turosz Gains Another Age Record

            Twice the distance simply meant twice the fun for Peter Maksimow and Kelly Heroux as both runners repeated their winning ways from last week.  Of the two, however, Mr. Maksimow had the tougher time of it as the CMSer again raced a game Carlos Rivera who not only forced the pace throughout the ten thousand meter footrace but opened up a twenty meter gap at the 6K mark.  Hitting splits which haven’t been seen since Sandu Rebenciuc blitzed the course in 32:57 four years ago, the two rivals left the outcome in doubt until the finishing footpath when Peter edged ahead for good, crossing the line in 33:33.  Carlos pr’d in 33:39 narrowly missing an elusive age record, this time the 33:35 set by then 30 year old Celio Hernandez some 21 years ago.
            Richard Krupa outran the rest of the field for the show ticket in 37:04.  Vicente Rojas (39:04) took home both the master (over 40) and senior (over 50) titles while GSH teammate Art Roberts captured veteran honors in 42:57, both club members crediting their Portland Meadows experience as the determining factor in their success.  Joe Crooks was the first junior (under 20) in 43:03.  
            Kelly Heroux enjoyed the seasonal weather and dry roads for exactly 42 minutes and 56 seconds as she notched her second win in a row and fourth lifetime Snowstorm Classic crown. GSH teammate Meghan Lynch again placed second, and 1st junior, with a solid 43:56 effort while Amy Warrington took the bronze medal in 45:32.                      Hartford Track Club star Zofia Turosz swept the women’s master, senior and veteran’s divisions with an impressive 50:25 tour over the course.  In the process the Polish native took nearly six minutes off the course record for 66 year old women, erasing Connie Bill’s 56:23 standard which the GSHer set in 1993.  

 1 33:33   Peter Maksimow	26M	CMS
 2 33:39   Carlos Rivera	30M	GSH
 3 37:05   Richard Krupa	33M	GSH
 4 37:45   Tom Michaud		23M	GSH
 5 38:00   Brian Walsh		29M	GSH
 6 38:19   Mike Gauvin		29M	GSH
 7 39:04   Vicente Rojas	51M	GSH
 8 39:20   Joe Fois		29M	GSH
 9 39:25   Pete Gillen		22M	---
10 40:11   Rich Clark		50M	GSH
11 41:12   Doug Guertin		41M	GSH
12 41:23   Seth Roberts		53M	GSH
13 42:10   Eric Brown		25M	GSH
14 42:24   Eric Smith		44M	---
15 42:46   Art Fredericks	23M	---
16 42:56   Kelly Heroux		37F	GSH
17 42:57   Art Roberts		60M	GSH
18 43:03   Joe Crooks		19M	---
19 43:11   T J Martin		46M	---
20 43:29   Kevin Harrington	22M	---
21 43:31   Jim Sullivan		39M	GSH
22 43:47   Jim Plaza		52M	SMAC
23 43:50   Jim Halton		57M	GSH
24 43:54   Tom DeLuca		49M	GSH
25 43:56   Meghan Lynch		18F	GSH
26 43:57   Wayne Stocker	50M	GSH
27 44:29   John Vaughan		17M	---
28 44:40   David Livingstone	52M	GSH
29 45:14   Noiel Fontaine	40M	---
30 45:24   Bruce Leshine	44M	GSH
31 45:32   Amy Warrington	27F	---
32 45:33   Mary Misiaszck	38F	GSH
33 45:58   Brian Goddu		55M	GSH
34 46:09   Isreal Schepps	46M	GSH
35 46:18   Charlie Contant	51M	GSH
36 46:57   Mark Manganaro	41M	GSH
37 47:17   Mike Gay		40M	---
38 47:22   Dan Jalbert		40M	---
39 47:33   Elaine Skawski	38F	---
40 47:36   Bob Kolb		43M	GSH
41 47:37   Laura Fontaine	38F	---
42 47:41   Colleen Cummings	38F	GSH
43 47:42   Mary Gubala		39F	GSH
44 47:55   Jennifer Rivers	35F	GSH
45 48:07   Dave Martula		59M	SMAC
46 48:38   Don Grindle		49M	GSH
47 48:55   Neal Lamberton	56M	GSH
48 50:09   Ed LeBlanc		50M	EORC
49 50:18   Kevin Young		52M	GSH
50 50:25   Zofia Turosz		66F	HTC
51 50:29   Gerry Kane		53M	---
52 50:44   Jim Liebel		56M	---
53 51:15   Ron McMahon		53M	---
54 51:27   Kathy Lynch		42F	GSH
55 51:56   John Somers		53M	---
56 53:11   Steve Richardson	44M	EORC
57 53:16   Ellen Bellicchi	54F	GSH
58 53:18   Mike Cullinan	37M	EORC
59 53:25   Jeff Burgess		58M	GSH
60 53:27   Bob Massaro		61M	EORC
61 53:39   Bill Thibault	47M	EORC
62 54:34   Don Grant		62M	SMAC
63 55:59   Sue Grant		60F	SMAC
64 56:38   Amanda Partyka	25F	---
65 56:39   Trish Walker		19F	---
66 57:30   Kelly Sullivan	38F	GSH
65 57:34   Ed Carroll		39M	GSH
68 57:40   Kevin Psonak		31M	---
69 58:28   Jennifer Stogner	31F	---
70 58:48   Tony Lucia		67M	EORC
71 1:00:10 Amy Veres		28F	GSH
72 1:00:11 Rich Veres		32M	GSH
73 1:00:15 John Johnson		46M	---
74 1:01:33 Janet Romayko	59F	HTC
75 1:02:23 Cindy Fois		27F	GSH
76 1:05:21 Kim Gibbons		33F	EORC
77 1:12:14 Bill Milkiewicz	49M	GSH
78 1:23:06 Cheryl Longo		40F	EORC
79 1:23:08 Bruce Kurtz		68M	SMAC