43rd Annual Snowstorm Classic
Race# 544 - Week 02 of 13 - 10KM
Saturday, Decmeber 10TH, 2022
Forest Park, Springfield, MA
USATF Course Certifications: 10km #MA12049JK, 10km #MA12048JK
Hosted by Greater Springfield Harriers
http://www.harriers.org/SnowStorm/index.html [email protected]
Thanks to all the volunteers
Neil Lamberton, Jim Gurzenski, Celio Hernandez, Heather Wenninger, Mary Guertin, Doug Guertin, Iwona Boruch and Peter Stasz
Race Story
Jessica Smith (20:57, 6th Overall) follows up her first ever SnowStorm win last week while Greater Springfield Harrier Matthew Killian added another win to his tally.
Matt moves up into a tie for 15th place with win # 7 in the all-time in the Snowstorm Hall of Fame
Lyn Walker (Age 82, 32:07) notched her 35th consecutive age record between the 5k and 10k. Lyn owns every age record from age 65 and above!
Also no stanger to the record books, Jim Reis (Age 78, 25:14) of Sugarloaf Mountain Athletic Club knocks off nearly 3 minutes of Robert Knowlton's 25 year old mark
Week #1 Winners Matthew Killian & Jessica Smith
Photos courtesy of Jim Gurzenski | More Photos Here...
Place Name Bib# Category Cat/Tot Ag Club Time Pace ===== ========================= ==== ======== ======== == ====== ======= ===== 1 Matthew Killian 1922 M4049 1/10 42 GSH 18:46 6:03 2 Ben Hoisington 1811 M4049 2/10 40 20:03 6:28 3 Victor Feofilaktow 1796 M4049 3/10 45 20:11 6:30 4 Thomas Witkop 1290 M5059 1/18 50 20:33 6:37 5 Josh Rice 1807 M5059 2/18 52 20:49 6:43 6 Jessica Smith 1721 F2039 1/09 34 20:57 6:45 7 Jared Gasco 1802 M2039 1/13 36 21:58 7:05 8 Joseph Harris 1357 M2039 2/13 29 22:15 7:10 9 Len Bilodeau 1627 M5059 3/18 50 22:22 7:12 10 Sam O'Neil 1817 M2039 3/13 38 22:23 7:13 11 Ashley Vielleux 1818 F2039 2/09 33 EORC 22:39 7:18 12 Patrick Burke 1407 M2039 4/13 36 EORC 22:52 7:22 13 Corey Clark 1790 M2039 5/13 35 22:58 7:24 14 Lorin DeLisle 1425 M6069 1/16 61 SMAC 23:06 7:27 15 Clinton Morse 1910 M6069 2/16 60 SS 23:08 7:27 16 Scott Rossi 1214 M5059 4/18 59 GSH 23:11 7:28 17 Hunter Chapdeliane 1787 M2039 6/13 25 23:18 7:30 18 Joni Beauvais 1722 F2039 3/09 33 EORC 23:22 7:32 19 Thomas Shea 1720 M6069 3/16 61 EORC 23:34 7:36 20 Pablo Zayas 1715 M5059 5/18 51 24:10 7:47 21 Jeff Hansen 1813 M5059 6/18 52 24:34 7:55 22 Rogina Modestow 1477 F6069 1/04 61 GSH 24:37 7:56 23 Brian Sears 1358 M4049 4/10 44 GSH 24:42 7:58 24 Tim Londo 1258 M5059 7/18 57 GSH 24:43 7:58 25 Peter Bernard 1925 M5059 8/18 55 24:49 8:00 26 Mike Murphy 1249 M7099 1/08 73 SMAC 24:58 8:03 27 Daryl Delisle 1982 M6069 4/16 62 SMAC 25:01 8:04 28 Brian Beauvais 1723 M2039 7/13 38 EORC 25:03 8:04 29 Anna Klimes 1454 F4049 1/09 48 25:04 8:05 30 Debra Hevey 1900 F6069 2/04 64 EORC 25:14 8:08 31 Jim Reis 1691 M7099 2/08 78 SMAC 25:14* 8:08 32 Peter Ouellette 1012 M2039 8/13 36 25:18 8:09 33 Colleen Cummings 51 F5059 1/13 56 GSH 25:21 8:10 34 Dan McNair 1718 M4049 5/10 48 GSH 25:34 8:14 35 Andrew Laprade 1921 M5059 9/18 56 EORC 25:37 8:15 36 Mollie Munkittrick 1820 F2039 4/09 35 EORC 25:39 8:16 37 Jorge Sosa 1576 M4049 6/10 46 EORC 25:42 8:17 38 Merideth McGowan 1356 F2039 5/09 27 EORC 25:44 8:17 39 Peter Briggeman 1272 M6069 5/16 65 HTC 25:48 8:19 40 Andres Ortega 1779 M2039 9/13 35 25:57 8:22 41 Royce Yeomans 1470 M5059 10/18 58 26:08 8:25 42 Brian St Jean 1914 M6069 6/16 62 EORC 26:21 8:29 43 Brendan Beiley 1789 M2039 10/13 34 26:27 8:31 44 Ryan Zygarowski 1797 M4049 7/10 44 26:30 8:32 45 Kevin Tranberg 1540 M5059 11/18 54 HTC 26:45 8:37 46 Gerry Kane 122 M7099 3/08 71 GSH 26:45 8:37 47 John Wielend 1714 M4049 8/10 44 26:54 8:40 48 Kate Crogan 1819 F2039 6/09 30 EORC 27:02 8:43 49 Doug Manners 1401 M6069 7/16 68 27:11 8:45 50 Steve O'Neil 1240 M7099 4/08 71 GSH 27:12 8:46 51 Terry Shotland 1799 M6069 8/16 67 27:17 8:47 52 Matt Nodell 1798 M2039 11/13 23 27:30 8:52 53 Chris Thornton 1782 M4049 9/10 49 27:37 8:54 54 Garrett Lemek 1238 M6069 9/16 62 27:50 8:58 55 Heather Davis 1816 F4049 2/09 48 28:02 9:02 56 Dave Johnson 1068 M2039 12/13 39 EORC 28:04 9:03 57 Francis Feeney 1804 M6069 10/16 63 28:25 9:09 58 Cathy Brunelle 1795 F6069 3/04 60 28:34 9:12 59 Paul Josefczyk 1788 M5059 12/18 58 28:43 9:15 60 Rebecca Powell 1243 F5059 2/13 54 28:46 9:16 61 Stephanie Yeomans 44 F5059 3/13 54 GSH 28:47 9:16 62 Pete Campbell 1278 M5059 13/18 58 EORC 29:21 9:27 63 Richard Harding 1539 M6069 11/16 62 HTC 29:23 9:28 64 Don Edwards 1806 M5059 14/18 59 29:36 9:32 65 Steve Penna 1649 M6069 12/16 67 EORC 29:43 9:34 66 Dennis Hogan 1229 M6069 13/16 68 EORC 29:44 9:35 67 Stephen Brault 1808 M5059 15/18 59 29:51 9:37 68 Eric Brown 1713 M4049 10/10 43 29:59 9:40 69 Doug Guertin 56 M5059 16/18 59 GSH 30:38 9:52 70 Pete Westover 1815 M7099 5/08 78 SMAC 30:58 9:59 71 Mary Beth Muldoon 1542 F5059 4/13 58 31:00 9:59 72 Louise Melanson 1349 F6069 4/04 62 HTC 31:42 10:13 73 Danielle Thornton 1781 F2039 7/09 32 31:52 10:16 74 Heidi Meissner 1780 F5059 5/13 54 31:56 10:17 75 Pam Thornton 1561 F5059 6/13 51 32:02 10:19 76 Lyn Walker 1226 F7099 1/02 82 GSH 32:07* 10:21 77 Leigh Zlotkowski 1232 F4049 3/09 43 32:21 10:25 78 Marissa Quintero 1717 F4049 4/09 42 32:23 10:26 79 Francy Reyes 1778 F4049 5/09 46 32:23 10:26 80 Mary Guertin 57 F5059 7/13 56 GSH 32:37 10:30 81 Adam Long 1814 M5059 17/18 52 33:02 10:38 82 Lis Gabin 1812 F4049 6/09 44 33:05 10:39 83 Tom DeLuca 1362 M6069 14/16 67 GSH 33:07 10:40 84 Marykate McDonald 1805 F5059 8/13 57 33:08 10:40 85 Dave Haryasz 1286 M6069 15/16 64 33:12 10:42 86 Sara Siu 1791 F5059 9/13 55 33:33 10:48 87 Michael Butler 1783 M5059 18/18 50 34:05 10:59 88 Rich Clark 1354 M6069 16/16 68 GSH 34:06 10:59 89 Sean Baker 1786 M2039 13/13 25 34:25 11:05 90 Anna Yurovskih 1800 F2039 8/09 30 34:39 11:10 91 Phoebe Andreson 1777 F5059 10/13 53 35:24 11:24 92 Irina Zuev 1801 F2039 9/09 29 35:46 11:31 93 Aiden Musiak 1810 M0119 1/02 5 36:10 11:39 94 Elena Musiak 1809 F4049 7/09 40 36:12 11:40 95 Dimarie Cartangena 1776 F5059 11/13 51 37:39 12:08 96 Jennifer Boyer 1775 F5059 12/13 50 37:40 12:08 97 Jennifer Massa 1803 F4049 8/09 46 40:31 13:03 98 Sadie Wilcox 1699 F0119 1/01 11 43:48 14:06 99 Lisa DeLisle 1468 F5059 13/13 51 SMAC 43:49 14:07 100 Iwona Boruch 1206 F4049 9/09 48 GSH 45:13 14:34 101 Pete Stasz 1207 M7099 6/08 75 GSH 45:38 14:42 102 George Walker 1227 M7099 7/08 79 GSH 48:36 15:39 103 Gabriel Burke 1794 M0119 2/02 7 53:56 17:22 104 Don Grant 1785 M7099 8/08 80 SMAC 1:03:05 20:19 105 Sue Grant 1784 F7099 2/02 78 SMAC 1:03:06 20:19 * AGE RECORD M78 Jim Reis 25:14 12/10/22 Old Record: Robert Knowlton 28:04 02/22/97 F82 Lyn Walker 32:07 12/10/22 Old Record:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEAM RESULTS - TOP 5 SCORE COMBINED GENDER, ALL AGES - TOP 10 LISTED ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. GSH Greater Springfield Harriers ( 23:12 1:55:59 5:57) ============================================================ 1 Matthew Killian M42 18:46 2 Scott Rossi M59 23:11 3 Rogina Modestow F61 24:37 4 Brian Sears M44 24:42 5 Tim Londo M57 24:43 6 Colleen Cummings F56 ( 25:21) 7 Dan McNair M48 ( 25:34) 8 Gerry Kane M71 ( 26:45) 9 Steve O'Neil M71 ( 27:12) 10 Stephanie Yeomans F54 ( 28:47) 2. EORC Empire One Running Club ( 23:30 1:57:30 2:24) ============================================================ 1 Ashley Vielleux F33 22:39 2 Patrick Burke M36 22:52 3 Joni Beauvais F33 23:22 4 Thomas Shea M61 23:34 5 Brian Beauvais M38 25:03 6 Debra Hevey F64 ( 25:14) 7 Andrew Laprade M56 ( 25:37) 8 Mollie Munkittrick F35 ( 25:39) 9 Jorge Sosa M46 ( 25:42) 10 Merideth McGowan F27 ( 25:44) 3. SMAC Sugarloaf Mountain Athletic C ( 25:52 2:09:17 7:52) ============================================================ 1 Lorin DeLisle M61 23:06 2 Mike Murphy M73 24:58 3 Daryl Delisle M62 25:01 4 Jim Reis M78 25:14 5 Pete Westover M78 30:58 6 Lisa DeLisle F51 ( 43:49) 7 Don Grant M80 (1:03:05) 8 Sue Grant F78 (1:03:06) HTC Hartford Track Club ( :00 ) ============================================================ 1 Peter Briggeman M65 ( 25:48) 2 Kevin Tranberg M54 ( 26:45) 3 Richard Harding M62 ( 29:23) 4 Louise Melanson F62 ( 31:42) SS Shenipsit Striders ( :00 ) ============================================================ 1 Clinton Morse M60 ( 23:08)