43rd Annual Snowstorm Classic
Race# 545 - Week 03 of 13 - 5KM
Saturday, Decmeber 17th, 2022
Forest Park, Springfield, MA
USATF Course Certifications: 10km #MA12049JK, 10km #MA12048JK
Hosted by Greater Springfield Harriers
http://www.harriers.org/SnowStorm/index.html snowstorm@harriers.org
Thanks to all the volunteers
Neil Lamberton, Heather Wenninger, Ray Wenninger, Mary Guertin, Doug Guertin, Iwona Boruch and Peter Stasz
Race Story
Matthew Killian and Jessica Smith and are both back-to-back winners.
Week #3 Winners Matthew Killian & Jessica Smith
Photos courtesy of Heather Wenninger | More Photos Here (coming soon...)
Place Name Bib# Category Cat/Tot Ag Club Time Pace Points ===== ========================= ==== ======== ======== == ====== ======= ===== ====== 1 Matthew Killian 1922 M4049 1/10 42 GSH 39:25 6:21 1000 2 Jared Gasco 1802 M2039 1/13 36 EORC 43:30 7:01 906 3 Scott Besser 1335 M2039 2/13 28 43:41 7:02 902 4 Andre Bennatan 1336 M6069 1/13 60 44:04 7:06 894 5 Cameron Currie 1339 M2039 3/13 36 44:10 7:07 892 6 Jessica Smith 1721 F2039 1/10 34 44:10 7:07 892 7 Thomas Witkop 1290 M5059 1/16 50 44:17 7:08 890 8 Michael Gauvin 1331 M4049 2/10 47 GSH 45:46 7:22 861 9 Josh Rice 1807 M5059 2/16 52 46:01 7:25 857 10 Len Bilodeau 1627 M5059 3/16 50 46:09 7:26 854 11 Dawn Roberts 1381 F5059 1/06 50 GSH 46:20 7:28 851 12 Sam O'Neil 1817 M2039 4/13 38 46:21 7:28 850 13 Ashley Vielleux 1818 F2039 2/10 33 46:40 7:31 845 14 Matt Geanacopoulos 67 M2039 5/13 34 WMDP 47:16 7:37 834 15 David Estabrook 1340 M2039 6/13 34 WMDP 47:16 7:37 834 16 Tim Gaudet 1257 M6069 2/13 67 EORC 47:24 7:38 832 17 Katharine Buck 1341 F2039 3/10 37 48:04 7:45 820 18 Thomas Shea 1720 M6069 3/13 61 EORC 48:07 7:45 819 19 Patrick Burke 1407 M2039 7/13 36 EORC 48:35 7:50 811 20 Greg Desrosiers 1369 M4049 3/10 49 48:50 7:52 807 21 David Perry 475 M5059 4/16 51 49:01 7:54 804 22 David Makita 1361 M2039 8/13 32 49:18 7:57 800 23 Jorge Sosa 1576 M4049 4/10 46 EORC 49:59 8:03 789 24 Pablo Zayas 1715 M5059 5/16 51 50:03 8:04 788 25 Jessica Haywood 1342 F2039 4/10 25 50:05 8:04 787 26 Patrick Karalekas 1344 M2039 9/13 31 50:15 8:06 784 27 Ben Ferro 1395 M4049 5/10 41 EORC 50:16 8:06 784 28 Kevin Flynn 1345 M5059 6/16 53 50:41 8:10 778 29 Hiram Cruz 1365 M4049 6/10 41 EORC 51:18 8:16 768 30 Angel Robles 1366 WM0119 1/01 19 EORC 51:18 8:16 768 31 Lorin DeLisle 1425 M6069 4/13 63 SMAC 51:28 8:17 766 32 Daryl Delisle 1982 M6069 5/13 65 SMAC 51:52 8:21 760 33 Peter Bernard 1925 M5059 7/16 55 51:56 8:22 759 34 Debra Hevey 1900 F6069 1/02 64 EORC 52:14 8:25 755 35 Joanna Olin 1333 F4049 1/05 43 52:15 8:25 754 36 Matthew Dessiers 1338 M0119 1/03 13 52:25 8:27 752 37 Damon Penna 1636 M0119 2/03 14 EORC 52:52 8:31 746 38 James Pardave 1719 M0119 3/03 15 53:01 8:32 743 39 Peter Briggeman 1272 M6069 6/13 65 HTC 53:09 8:34 742 40 Colleen Cummings 51 F5059 2/06 56 GSH 53:25 8:36 738 41 Khalil Rivera 1337 M4049 7/10 45 53:29 8:37 737 42 Andrew Laprade 1921 M5059 8/16 56 EORC 54:00 8:42 730 43 Peter Ouellette 1012 M2039 10/13 36 54:40 8:48 721 44 Isabella Grassetti 1370 F2039 5/10 29 54:44 8:49 720 45 Kevin Tranberg 1540 M5059 9/16 54 HTC 54:53 8:50 718 46 Steve O'Neil 1240 M7099 1/03 71 GSH 54:58 8:51 717 47 Anna Klimes 1343 F4049 2/05 48 55:25 8:56 711 48 Anthony Leroux 1916 M2039 11/13 38 55:30 8:56 710 49 Doug Guertin 56 M5059 10/16 59 GSH 56:00 9:01 704 50 Dan McNair 1718 M4049 8/10 48 GSH 56:08 9:03 702 51 Tom DeLuca 1362 M6069 7/13 67 GSH 56:31 9:06 697 52 Gerry Kane 122 M7099 2/03 71 GSH 56:54 9:10 693 53 Joni Beauvais 1722 F2039 6/10 33 56:56 9:10 692 54 Jessica Pereplyotchilc 1332 F4049 3/05 47 EORC 57:04 9:12 691 55 Brian Beauvais 1723 M2039 12/13 38 57:05 9:12 691 56 Doug Manners 1401 M6069 8/13 68 57:40 9:17 684 57 Mary Guertin 57 F5059 3/06 56 GSH 58:26 9:25 675 58 Bob Whiteley 1716 M6069 9/13 69 59:02 9:31 668 59 Richard Harding 1539 M6069 10/13 62 HTC 1:00:10 9:41 655 60 Kate Crogan 1819 F2039 7/10 30 EORC 1:00:17 9:43 654 61 Dave Johnson 1068 M2039 13/13 39 EORC 1:00:28 9:44 652 62 John Wielend 1714 M4049 9/10 44 1:00:55 9:49 647 63 Stephen Brault 1808 M5059 11/16 59 1:01:05 9:50 645 64 Pete Campbell 1278 M5059 12/16 58 EORC 1:01:40 9:56 639 65 Tim Londo 1258 M5059 13/16 57 GSH 1:01:54 9:58 637 66 Joanna Miles 1408 F4049 4/05 48 GSH 1:02:01 9:59 636 67 Paul Josefczyk 1788 M5059 14/16 58 1:02:20 10:02 632 68 Dennis Hogan 1229 M6069 11/13 68 EORC 1:02:32 10:04 630 69 Eric Brown 1713 M4049 10/10 43 GSH 1:03:44 10:16 618 70 Steve Penna 1649 M6069 12/13 67 EORC 1:04:45 10:26 609 71 Harry Hayward 1330 M7099 3/03 70 EORC 1:04:46 10:26 609 72 Mary Beth Muldoon 1542 F5059 4/06 58 1:06:00 10:38 597 73 Donna Weeks 1334 F6069 2/02 62 1:06:43 10:45 591 74 Jen Zanchi 1346 F2039 8/10 36 1:07:44 10:55 582 75 Tiffany Woodger 1620 F2039 9/10 39 1:07:55 10:56 580 76 Pam Thornton 1561 F5059 5/06 52 1:08:26 11:01 576 77 Marykate McDonald 1805 F5059 6/06 56 1:08:50 11:05 573 78 Leigh Zlotkowski 1232 F4049 5/05 43 1:10:25 11:20 560 79 Dave Haryasz 1286 M6069 13/13 64 1:12:01 11:36 547 80 Michael Butler 1711 M5059 15/16 50 1:12:35 11:41 543 81 Olivia Bischoff 31 F2039 10/10 35 EORC 1:14:01 11:55 533 82 Jim Sullivan 1259 M5059 16/16 57 GSH 1:38:20 15:50 401
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEAM RESULTS - TOP 5 SCORE COMBINED GENDER, ALL AGES - TOP 10 LISTED ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. EORC Empire One Running Club ( 47:31 3:57:35 6:29) ============================================================ 1 Jared Gasco M36 43:30 2 Tim Gaudet M67 47:24 3 Thomas Shea M61 48:07 4 Patrick Burke M36 48:35 5 Jorge Sosa M46 49:59 6 Ben Ferro M41 ( 50:16) 7 Hiram Cruz M41 ( 51:18) 8 Debra Hevey F64 ( 52:15) 9 Damon Penna M14 ( 52:52) 10 Andrew Laprade M56 ( 54:00) 2. GSH Greater Springfield Harriers ( 47:59 3:59:54 15:33) ============================================================ 1 Matthew Killian M42 39:25 2 Michael Gauvin M47 45:46 3 Dawn Roberts F50 46:20 4 Colleen Cummings F56 53:25 5 Steve O'Neil M71 54:58 6 Doug Guertin M59 ( 56:00) 7 Dan McNair M48 ( 56:08) 8 Tom DeLuca M67 ( 56:31) 9 Gerry Kane M71 ( 56:54) 10 Mary Guertin F56 ( 58:26) HTC Hartford Track Club ( :00 ) ============================================================ 1 Peter Briggeman M65 ( 53:09) 2 Kevin Tranberg M54 ( 54:53) 3 Richard Harding M62 (1:00:10) SMAC Sugarloaf Mountain Athletic C ( :00 ) ============================================================ 1 Lorin DeLisle M63 ( 51:28) 2 Daryl Delisle M65 ( 51:52) WMDP Western Mass Distance Project ( :00 ) ============================================================ 1 Matt Geanacopoulos M34 ( 47:16) 2 David Estabrook M34 ( 47:16)
Points - Males
Plc Name Club Ag Div Div/Tot Point WK01 WK02 WK03 WK04 WK05 WK06 WK07 WK08 WK09 WK10 === ======================== ===== == ===== ======= ===== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== 1 Matthew Killian GSH 42 M4049 1/010 1000 1000 2 Jared Gasco EORC 36 M2039 1/013 906 906 3 Scott Besser 28 M2039 2/013 902 902 4 Andre Bennatan 60 M6069 1/013 894 894 5 Cameron Currie 36 M2039 3/013 892 892 6 Thomas Witkop 50 M5059 1/016 890 890 7 Michael Gauvin GSH 47 M4049 2/010 861 861 8 Josh Rice 52 M5059 2/016 856 856 9 Len Bilodeau 50 M5059 3/016 854 854 10 Sam O'Neil 38 M2039 4/013 850 850 11 Matt Geanacopoulos WMDP 34 M2039 5/013 833 833 David Estabrook WMDP 34 M2039 5/013 833 833 13 Tim Gaudet EORC 67 M6069 2/013 831 831 14 Thomas Shea EORC 61 M6069 3/013 819 819 15 Patrick Burke EORC 36 M2039 7/013 811 811 16 Greg Desrosiers 49 M4049 3/010 807 807 17 David Perry 51 M5059 4/016 804 804 18 David Makita 32 M2039 8/013 799 799 19 Jorge Sosa EORC 46 M4049 4/010 788 788 20 Pablo Zayas 51 M5059 5/016 787 787 21 Ben Ferro EORC 41 M4049 5/010 784 784 Patrick Karalekas 31 M2039 9/013 784 784 23 Kevin Flynn 53 M5059 6/016 777 777 24 Hiram Cruz EORC 41 M4049 6/010 768 768 25 Lorin DeLisle SMAC 63 M6069 4/013 765 765 26 Daryl Delisle SMAC 65 M6069 5/013 759 759 27 Peter Bernard 55 M5059 7/016 758 758 28 Matthew Dessiers 13 M0119 1/003 751 751 29 Damon Penna EORC 14 M0119 2/003 745 745 30 James Pardave 15 M0119 3/003 743 743 31 Peter Briggeman HTC 65 M6069 6/013 741 741 32 Khalil Rivera 45 M4049 7/010 736 736 33 Andrew Laprade EORC 56 M5059 8/016 729 729 34 Peter Ouellette 36 M2039 10/013 721 721 35 Kevin Tranberg HTC 54 M5059 9/016 718 718 36 Steve O'Neil GSH 71 M7099 1/003 717 717 37 Anthony Leroux 38 M2039 11/013 710 710 38 Doug Guertin GSH 59 M5059 10/016 703 703 39 Dan McNair GSH 48 M4049 8/010 702 702 40 Tom DeLuca GSH 67 M6069 7/013 697 697 41 Gerry Kane GSH 71 M7099 2/003 692 692 42 Brian Beauvais 38 M2039 12/013 690 690 43 Doug Manners 68 M6069 8/013 683 683 44 Bob Whiteley 69 M6069 9/013 667 667 45 Richard Harding HTC 62 M6069 10/013 655 655 46 Dave Johnson EORC 39 M2039 13/013 651 651 47 John Wielend 44 M4049 9/010 647 647 48 Stephen Brault 59 M5059 11/016 645 645 49 Pete Campbell EORC 58 M5059 12/016 639 639 50 Tim Londo GSH 57 M5059 13/016 636 636 51 Paul Josefczyk 58 M5059 14/016 632 632 52 Dennis Hogan EORC 68 M6069 11/013 630 630 53 Eric Brown GSH 43 M4049 10/010 618 618 54 Steve Penna EORC 67 M6069 12/013 608 608 Harry Hayward EORC 70 M7099 3/003 608 608 56 Dave Haryasz 64 M6069 13/013 547 547 57 Michael Butler 50 M5059 15/016 543 543 58 Jim Sullivan GSH 57 M5059 16/016 400 400
Points - Females
Plc Name Club Ag Div Div/Tot Point WK01 WK02 WK03 WK04 WK05 WK06 WK07 WK08 WK09 WK10 === ======================== ===== == ===== ======= ===== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== 1 Jessica Smith 34 F2039 1/010 892 892 2 Dawn Roberts GSH 50 F5059 1/006 850 850 3 Ashley Vielleux 33 F2039 2/010 844 844 4 Katharine Buck 37 F2039 3/010 820 820 5 Jessica Haywood 25 F2039 4/010 787 787 6 Joanna Olin 43 F4049 1/005 754 754 Debra Hevey EORC 64 F6069 1/002 754 754 8 Colleen Cummings GSH 56 F5059 2/006 737 737 9 Isabella Grassetti 29 F2039 5/010 720 720 10 Anna Klimes 48 F4049 2/005 711 711 11 Joni Beauvais 33 F2039 6/010 692 692 12 Jessica Pereplyotchilc EORC 47 F4049 3/005 690 690 13 Mary Guertin GSH 56 F5059 3/006 674 674 14 Kate Crogan EORC 30 F2039 7/010 653 653 15 Joanna Miles GSH 48 F4049 4/005 635 635 16 Mary Beth Muldoon 58 F5059 4/006 597 597 17 Donna Weeks 62 F6069 2/002 590 590 18 Jen Zanchi 36 F2039 8/010 581 581 19 Tiffany Woodger 39 F2039 9/010 580 580 20 Pam Thornton 52 F5059 5/006 575 575 21 Marykate McDonald 56 F5059 6/006 572 572 22 Leigh Zlotkowski 43 F4049 5/005 559 559 23 Olivia Bischoff EORC 35 F2039 10/010 532 532