Summer Sizzler #15 - 8K
July 26, 2000

O’Neil Chases Record, Nelson Tops Women


          Steve O’Neil burst into the lead at the gun and raced around the perimeter Forest Park chasing an elusive Roland Cormier record.  The record remains but Steve notched another Summer Sizzler win with a solid 29:15 outing, capturing both the open and masters divisions.  Fast Feet shoe expert Bob Darby was 2nd in both divisions in 31:05 with Bill Romito 3rd in 31:52.

            Erin Nelson chalked one up for the younger runners with a 39:45 victory in the women’s division followed by Betty Matthews (42:33) making her first appearance at a Summer Sizzler in many moons, and Kim Tremble (45:22).

Results | Photos |
 1  29:15   Steve     O’Neil    49M  CMS
 2  31:05   Bob       Darby     41M  GSH
 3  31:52   Bill      Romito    46M  EORC
 4  32:17   Brian     Gibbons   31M  GSH
 5  32:21   John      Pashko    48M  GSH
 6  35:13   Brian     Goddu     50M  GSH
 7  36:59   Jim       Waltein   39M  GSH
 8  37:11   Don       Grant     58M  SMAC
 9  37:34   Don       Grindle   45M  GSH
10  39:38   Matthew   Webber    16M  ---
11  39:45   Erin      Nelson    16F  ---
12  39:54   Kevin     McCarthy  41M  ---
13  40:43   Doug      Bielefeld 40M  ---
14  42:33   Betty     Matthews  48F  GSH
15  42:35   Peter     Stasz     53M  GSH
16  45:22   Kim       Tremble   29F  EORC
17  45:25   Katherine Lee       34F  GSH
18  47:41   Cathy     Matthews  16F  ---
19  47:41   Kerri     Webber    18F  ---